Top 5 Videos Your Business Can't Live Without

Everyone knows that video can be one of the best investments your business can make in terms of generating more customers and increasing brand awareness. But what kind of video should you make? Here are 5 types of videos we recommend that every business in their marketing arsenal.

1. About Us

Who are you and how can you help me? These are the two questions every prospective customer wants to know the answer to. This "About Us" video should tell your story and clearly show how you help your customers. It should be prominently displayed on the homepage of your website.

2. Customer Testimonial

There is nothing more powerful than having a customer tell the story of how your brand improved their lives. Customer testimonials are seen as the most trustworthy type of video content. These videos perform very well on social media.

3. Featured Product and or Service

It is a really good idea to create a video showcasing and explaining each of the products or services that you offer. Make sure to highlight the specific benefits they offer and how they solve a specific need. These videos should be found on your website.

4. Creative Process

Processes make up every business. Many customers like to know the process for which you use to help them solve their problems. Having a video that shows your process can be really helpful. Creating a customer onboarding process can be beneficial as well.

5. How-To Videos

Some of the most trusted brands to a great job of helping customers solve their problems and continue to educate them. Creating How- To videos is a great way to do that. Perhaps your customers need to assemble something or they want to know the best way to do something. These are great for YouTube.